Baby Feeding Issues: a journey

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Before Little Man was born I never fully understood reflux. Neither girl was a ‘sicky’ baby, in fact I can count on one hand the number of times they were sick and neither had reflux or colic. With Little Man it was a completely different story, he had both reflux and colic. As a Mum who already has had two babies, you expect that by your third you understand and have probably dealt with everything, it just goes to show how different every baby can be. I struggled to source help to understand what my son was experiencing and how I could help him.

When SMA Nutrition got in touch to see if I would host their infographic, ‘6 ways to help your baby’s reflux and constipation’, I agreed without hesitation to partner with them on a featured post as I know the infographic would have been a valuable resource to me a few months ago. At the time I had no experience of reflux in babies and knew of no other parents who had experienced reflux. Prior to Little Man I always assumed reflux was sick but Little Man had silent reflux which meant he was rarely sick as he would swallow it instead.

As for constipation all of my children have had constipation as babies at some point. I had one child who refused to soil in their nappy and would wait for their bum to be free. At some point during my 6 years of Motherhood I have done every tip from the top 6 tips with at least one of my children. I feel this is a really useful resource for parents who have babies with reflux and/or constipation. It is certainly one I would have referred to in the first 6 months with Little Man.

SMA infographic

‘If your baby appears to be in pain or if you are concerned for any other reason, always seek the advice of a healthcare professional such as your GP, health visitor or public health nurse’

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