Breakfast with the man in the red suit

I woke the girls up early last Saturday and told them we were going for breakfast with Grandma and then off shopping.  They were excited to see Grandma and even more to have breakfast out.  We were heading over to our local Wyevale Garden Centre for a special treat.

The lovely elves showed us to our table, which had been laid out just like a Christmas dinner

My youngest was too young to remember pulling a cracker but my eldest loved this.  The girls were so excited and loved this touch.  It made it very special for them.

Also on our table was some treats, a gingerbread tree and some icing.  

Before we could begin decorating our tree breakfast arrived.

The girls couldn't believe their luck, they could have beans for breakfast!

We all started to eat our breakfast which had been brought to us by the elves.  Out of the corner of my daughters eye she spotted something.

Father Christmas had come for breakfast!

The girls could not quite believe it.  Father Christmas was here whilst they were having their breakfast.  To try and take their mind off the very special guest we began decorating our biscuits.

My eldest was incredibly pleased with her creation and it tasted yummy too

We seemed to time things really well because Father Christmas came over to say hello just as she took a bite.  My eldest had drawn him a picture which she took great pride in handing to him

She was so happy that he had come over to speak to her and that he liked her drawings

 It was really lovely to watch her smile and laugh and see how magical it was for her that Father Christmas had come to breakfast.

Father Christmas made a special effort to visit every table and spend time with every family and this was so lovely.  He didn't rush and all the children were so happy that they got to meet him like this.  We were then given the opportunity to have our photo taken with Father Christmas.

The girls got to pick their gift from a selection available on the table.  I liked this because it meant you could choose something appropriate to the children.  Also there was no arguments over wanting what the other one has. 

After a really lovely breakfast it was time for Father Christmas to leave

The girls had a really lovely time and a great breakfast.  They were so happy and could not stop smiling all day.

This day I love Breakfast with the man in the red suit.

We were given tickets for breakfast but all words are my own opinion. 

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