A2 milk

by - 09:28

For some travelling to London just for an hour might seem a little crazy. A 5 hour round trip for 1 hour, but it was worth it. Not because I got to meet Danny Cipriani but because I really love a2 milk. A2 milk for those unfamiliar with it allows those who previously thought they could not have milk perhaps through to intolerances, can now get back to milk.

A2milk has changed the lives of many people including that of Danny Ciprian. A2 milk lets people drink milk again. It is made in the same way as milk, except it only contains the a2 protein so causes none of the problems people often experience with drinking milk such as bloating and an upset stomach.

A2 milk tastes the same as cows milk so there is no compromise on taste and no added sugar. We got to try a2 for ourselves, even though I have been using it for sometime, and we were also given a beautiful fruit smoothie. I wish I knew what was in it as it tasted amazing,and I would love to make it at home.

This day I love a2 milk

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