Review : Personal Planner
October is a busy month for me, but a good one.
I have started a new job. Its full time and I really love it, but I do need to be organised, especially as I am away from home so much.
October sees me celebrate my birthday and also sees this day I love turn 1! I still cannot believe I have been blogging now for a year.
It's also my favourite month because I love the Autumn change, the variety of colours and the general change of the season.
It is no wonder then with a full time job, juggling Mummy duties, blogging related work and then my personal life I do need to be organised, and organised in my way.
Personal planner really came into its own with this.
Personal planner allow you to design your own planner. Pick the front cover, the colour, the layout and the things that matter to you. It becomes your own unique personal planner. As let's face it everyone is different and we all organise ourselves individually.
My personal planner really helps me to keep on top of things. Allows me to de clutter my life and I take it every where. I chose a medium planner and personalised the inside layout to suit me.
The paper is of great quality and I can write on it with an ink pen without it either smudging or with the ink leaking through the pages.
I really love how I got to choose what I wanted the planner to look like and really love the fact I could upload my own image as the cover. The process was really quick and simple to use and my planner also arrived really quickly too.
Terms and Conditions
- This competition is open to residents of the UK, Channel Islands, Isle of Man and Republic of Ireland aged 18 years or over, except for those associated with the production company, their families or anyone else associated with this competition.
- All information detailing how to enter this competition forms part of these terms and conditions.
- All entries must be received by the advertised closing time date, 14th October at 5pm.
- One entrant will win a code for a Personal planner
- The winner may be required to take part in publicity.
- All prizes are non-transferable and there are no cash alternatives. The prize is subject to availability.
- Events may occur that render the competition itself or the awarding of the prizes impossible due to reasons beyond the control of the Promoter, and accordingly the Promoter may at its absolute discretion vary or amend the promotion and the entrant agrees that no liability shall attach to the Promoter as a result thereof.
- This Day I love is responsible for the first part of the promotion, which is the publication and adjudication of the competition. All other facilities connected with the provision of the prize are the responsibility of the Promoter.
- English law applies and the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts shall prevail.
- Winner will be drawn at Random from all valid entries
The winner is:
Comment number 29!
My Favourite month is June, not too warm, not too cool, and this year my daughter was born on 6/6!
ReplyDeleteGood Luck 1
Deletenext year it will be February. going on holiday to Vietnam where my brother will be joining me from Australia. I cannot wait to see him!
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Deletenext year it will be Febuary. I will be holidaying in Vietnam with my brother who is coming from Australia. I cannot wait to see him!
ReplyDeleteDuplicate 2
DeleteMarch, just as the spring flowers are blooming and the weather warms up
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DeleteI will say June as our grandson was born very special
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DeleteI love December because it has Christmas in it!
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DeleteDecember - I love Christmas :)
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DeleteMy favourite is October as I love the changes in colour of the leaves, walks on a cold but sunny day, and evenings where you can snuggle up with a bottle of red, a home cooked casserole which you left cooking while you went for your walk, and an open fire.
ReplyDeleteGood Luck 7
DeleteI love this month, October, because it is Halloween at the end of the month then just a week later it is Bonfire Night plus all the Christmas things are appearing in the shops and the advents on tv! I love the darker nights too and we also change the clocks towards the end of the month! So I love October!
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DeleteMay, we have had super weather over the past few years and I can really get going in my garden
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DeleteI love December as not only is it Christmas, but it's also my birthday too. It is such a magical month full of love, food and wonderful fragrances.
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DeleteMt favourite month is July - it's usually warm and sunny, and it includes my birthday.
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DeleteI think my favourite month is March - better weather, more light, we can get outdoors more, Spring flowers and (some years) Easter eggs!
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Deletemy favouite month is December with 5 birthdays, christmas and New Year it is one long party!
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DeleteMy favourite month is October, I am not good in the heat and I love watching the leaves change. My two angels have their birthdays in October. One is 17th the other 18th and only a year apart. Is a busy month.
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DeleteMy favourite month is August, I love that it is (hopefully) still warm and sunny, you know that soon the children will be back to school and then you are on the run up to Xmas & also it is my wedding anniversary on the 20th August so it is special to me.
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Deletelooooove december, christmas is my favourite time of year!
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Deletemy favorite month is april, its just when the weather is picked up and you know you have all the fun of spring and summer to come xx
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DeleteDecember - Christmas & my birthday!
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DeleteI love October, its my birthday month and also autumn is fully fledged and the colours of the trees look amazing.
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DeleteMy favourite month is December as it's soooo Christmassy
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DeleteJune - not too cold, normally and not too warm
ReplyDeleteSpencer Broadley
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Deletedecember as i love watching the kids at xmas and seeing how excited they are
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DeleteJuly is my favourite month as it's my daughter's birthday and the summer holidays.
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DeleteDecember because it is christmas and I love the whole festive period and spending fab family time together
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DeleteMy fave is December because I love christmas and it is my sons birthday that month too
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DeleteI love July as my kids are about to finish school, my husband gets lots of holiday, long summer evenings to walk the dog and everybody's stress just disappears. Thanks for the giveaway.
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DeleteDecember cos its my birthday and Xmas
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DeleteI love September, The kids go back to school after the summer holidays and the evenings draw in, and the count down to Christmas begins x
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DeleteApril the month my daughter was born & I love Springtime
ReplyDeleteGood luck 29
DeleteMy Favourite Month is October. The world starts to cool down (In my hemisphere anyway), days are still, cooler, and a little shorter. Curtains are closed, and fires are lit. Oh, it's the time for hibernation for sure!
ReplyDeleteDecember-build up to Christmas-some people hate it-I love it!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite month is July - both my kids were born during July. It's also the month when we go on our family vacation. Lovely month!
ReplyDeleteSeptember - It's not too hot, and if I'm lucky I get to see my favourite sight of glowing grey clouds over a field of ripe grain
ReplyDeleteJune, it's my birthday and its normally sunny
ReplyDeleteI have to say may, because its my Birthday month...................... but it is also my sisters and 8 other family members birthdays and anniversaries, so I need a planner to keep track of them all x x x x x
ReplyDeletemy favourite month is June, as that's when my kids birthdays are. Also, the weather is usually nice and you have the whole summer to look forward to.
ReplyDeleteMy favourite month is October. Not because of my birthday, although that is a bonus, but because I love to watch the change of season in October. The leaves changing from green to such amazingly vivid and beautiful colours, wrapping up for cuddles, snuggling with a good book, hot chocolates with melted marshmallows and of course Halloween. October holds the promise of new things and wonderful times in the run up to Christmas and you can feel the excitement settling in around you! Magical!
ReplyDeleteMay. Not too hot, not freezing cold, just nice temperate weather with lots of flowers and green leaves.
ReplyDeleteI love December, apart from the obvious build up to the festive season, its a short working month :)
ReplyDeleteWell I would have to say December, obviously it's for Christmas and New year, but then 4days later it's then my always a lot of eat, drink and be very very merry!
ReplyDeleteI love December, the build up to christmas and our family being all together.
ReplyDeleteI love September the kids go back to school the nights start closing in and the leave start to fall full of colours
ReplyDeletei love december
ReplyDeleteMay, because it's starting to get warm again
ReplyDeleteJune! I gave birth to my beautiful daughter Maisy in that month
ReplyDeleteDecember :) it has so many things to celebrate, opening advent calenders, my mums birthday, my birthday, Christmas of course! and New years eve, it's the best month ever :)
ReplyDeleteDecember is my favourite month, I love all the build up to Christmas, the day itself, and relaxing as you get ready for the New Year :-)
ReplyDeletemay my babies bdays :-)) x
ReplyDeleteMarch because its spring & everything is waking up after winter
ReplyDeleteMarch as everything is growing after winter
ReplyDeleteMarch as its spring everything is beginning to grow after winter
ReplyDeleteMy favourite month is September as it's the month of my daughters birthday, my birthday and the anniversary of the day my husband and I met. Lots of amazing memories are attached to September.
ReplyDeleteI love December because it has Christmas in it!
ReplyDeleteMarch - when the daffodils flower and the lambs frolick in the fields :)
ReplyDeleteDecember, christmas, one of my daughter's birthdays and new years eve :)
ReplyDeleteDecember, christmas (spending time with family) one of my daughter's birthdays and new years eve :)
ReplyDeleteAugust for maximum sunshine!
ReplyDeleteMy favourite month is December as I love Christmas but I am getting married in May so my new favourite month will probably be may! Lol
ReplyDeleteA planning would really help with my wedding planning :-) x
It was December as I love Crimbo but as I am getting married in May that's the month I am most looking forward to. Xx
ReplyDeleteJune because that's when my baby was born and Summer is just beginning.
ReplyDeleteDecember as its mine and my partners Birthday (a day apart) at the beginning of the month, then Christmas and finally my twin boys Birthday on the 27th. Fab month with plenty of celebrating.
ReplyDeleteMy favourite month is September as it is my birthday, my Dad's birthday and I'm getting married in September's a month full of celebration!
ReplyDeleteMy favourite month is September because mine and my Dad's birthdays fall then, also I am getting married in's a month of celebrations!
ReplyDeleteI love august as it's my birthday month.
ReplyDeleteI Love April, not only is it the month I was born but Easter usually falls in April and all the spring flowers are out :D
ReplyDeleteI love July. Weather is usually good (ish) its my Hubbys Birthday, my sons Birthday and our Wedding Anniversary. So good memories.
ReplyDeleteFebruary - my daughter's birthday and just before Spring and the start of everything becoming brighter
ReplyDeleteAugust is mine- its still warm but not baking hot, the kids are on summer holidays so we go away for a week and there is usually lots to do throughout the week to keep busy :D
ReplyDeleteJuly start of the school hols
ReplyDeleteDecember, I love Christmas!!!
ReplyDeleteMy favourite month is December - I love the run up to Christmas and the chance to go over the top with decorations.
ReplyDeleteDecember - I love the run up to Christmas and the chance to go over the top with the decorations!
ReplyDeleteMy favourite month is December. I love Christmas when all the family gets together.
ReplyDeleteI love March, a sign that the winter months will soon be behind us, plus it's my birthday!
ReplyDeleteDecember because Christmas is the season to be Jolly!
ReplyDeleteDecember - because it's Christmas, we have 6 family birthdays in the first fortnight, it's the only time we'll spend together as a family and just relax and we always have a big binge on choccies before the diet in the new year!
ReplyDeleteJuly because the weather is warming up, meaning more get togethers with family and friends :)
ReplyDeleteI love October October
ReplyDeleteThe winds swirl and the autumn leaves dance
about my feet.
Rain drizzles pitifully, as I walk in the empty street.
Umbrella useless, I let the rain soak my face.
Norfolk in October there is no better place.
I love October
ReplyDeleteThe winds swirl and the autumn leaves dance
about my feet
rain drizzles pitifully, as I walk in the empty street
umbrella useless, I let the rain soak my face
Norfolk in October there is no better place.
I just love every day, week and month :)
ReplyDeletefeb my bday
ReplyDeleteI love July - my son was born this year in July, and it's also, my best friends birthday - who just so happens to be my Mother! It's warm and generally a lovely month.
ReplyDeleteI love December, because I love the run up to Christmas! I love late night shopping, the Christmassy smells in the air, the beautifu Christmas lights all around town and lighting up people's windows. I love our Christmas tree, and snuggling on the sofa in the evenings, lit by the lights on the tree! I love making Gingerbread Houses with my beautiful girls. I love buying and wrapping presents. I love Christmas Day - the joy of my little ones when they realise Santa has been to see them! Spending time with loved ones, and the lovely restful days after Christmas, spending the day in jim jams, watching films and eating Christmas choccies ~ bliss!
ReplyDeleteDecember, although they busiest for me with Christmas, it's also the time our family have their annual holiday so I need to be very organised checking passports medical requirements for holidays as well as sending Christmas cards and making sure all Christmas presents are bought and wrapped as we usually arrive back from holiday around the 20th December just in time for the final food shop and putting up the decorations. Busy but great as the family are all together
ReplyDeleteI love May! My sons birthday is the day after my dad's so big celebrations and we always go on a little UK family break! :D
ReplyDeleteDecember because I love Christmas :)
ReplyDeleteJuly - summer and it's my birthday month.
ReplyDeletelove december, sons birthday lots of parties, shopping & christmas :D
ReplyDeleteI love october!! The autumn colours, and feeling it get cooler (and being able to snuggle up indoors by the fire) is so wonderful!
ReplyDeleteJune when holidays begin as get to spend all summer with my son
ReplyDeletedecember. i love chrismas!
ReplyDeleteJune as holidays begin and i get to spend two whole months with my son
ReplyDeleteI love May its wonderful to walk in a crisp spring breeze down on the empty beach near to where i live
ReplyDeletemy favorite month is july, its the start of the summer holidays and both of my kiddies birthdays is in july too xx
ReplyDeleteI love October and the start of autumn... such pretty colours!
ReplyDeleteJune because my birthday is in it and usually there are some really nice days when the weather is just right, not too hot or too cold.
ReplyDeleteSeptember as it is my birthday, my little boy's birthday, my brother and sister's birthday and my wedding anniversary and usually you still get some nice warm weather.
ReplyDeleteMy favourite month as got to be December with Christmas spending time with the family and even better if it snows
ReplyDeleteWhen the February snow comes and causes chaos all over the country, we get up just before light and walk our dogs on the fresh snow. It feels like you are walking on a whole new world that you are the only occupants of. While all the children play outside we usually lock ourselfs indoors with the heating on full, cooking and listening to music.
ReplyDeletei love august as its my son and my daughters birthday x
ReplyDeletekay panayi
June as its my birthday and sometimes its sunny!
ReplyDeleteI love October - my favourite change of season! Plus I'm already starting work on the Christmas cake and feeling very organised (and just a little bit smug) as I survey the Christmas pressies I've bought already. The last minute panic when I realise that actually I'm not completely organised won't hit for at least another 6 weeks. :)
ReplyDeleteMay, my sons birthday and half term so usually when we have a holiday x
ReplyDeleteJanuary - start of a New Year (oh, and my birthday) so a whole 12 months lie ahead with everything to look forward to x
ReplyDeleteJune - the month of my wedding anniversary
ReplyDeleteI love December because I always think that the month has a magic feeling about it I always get excited!
ReplyDeleteMy favourite month is December, I love the feeling of walking in from the cold getting into a nice warm house, putting PJ's on and a big mug of tea!!
ReplyDeleteDecember, I love wrapping up as it's so cold outside, the christmas lights and feel of excitement everywhere!
ReplyDeletejuly- warm, holidays, and my b'day!
ReplyDeleteNovember is my favourite month. My 4 boys all have their birthday then so it's very chaotic but also the best month.
ReplyDeleteDecember, as i love watching my kids getting excited.
ReplyDeleteOctober is my favourite as I love autumn and Halloween. A beautiful month.
ReplyDeleteMay, the weather is definitely on the turn for the better, with longer days too. It;s warming up nicely then too, and blossom is around making the countryside colourful. To me May means summer is soon approaching, and there will soon be chances to sit in the sun.
ReplyDeleteMay - spring has sprung and there are babies everywhere.
ReplyDeleteThis day I love comments and I read everyone