Tips For Creating A Beautiful Shared Bedroom For Your Children

As any mum with a home and more than one child will tell you, shared bedrooms can be a nightmare. Of course, while they’re young, kids don’t tend to mind sharing a room, but as they get a little older, the idea of sharing with their sibling can become less appealing.

Sometimes when you have more children than bedrooms, there is no other option than to put the kids in together. The main problem for many parents is the fact that when it comes to creating a joint bedroom, it can be tricky to get right. As well as taking into account each child’s personal tastes, there’s also storage and layout to think about.

Decide on the layout and design

When it comes to creating a shared bedroom that your children will love, the layout is one of the most important aspects. The layout that you opt for will depend on what type of space you are trying to create. Ask yourself whether you want to create a cohesive look or a room with two different zones. This will most probably depend on the ages of your children and whether they have similar personalities and tastes.

Creating a cohesive space is simple, it’s just a case of doubling up on furniture, bedding and accessories. Bunk beds can be ideal as they save space. As well as saving space, bunk beds can also add an extra boost of style to the room. For the perfect beds, have a look at designer furniture online. There are some amazing designs out there, so whatever style bedroom you've opted for, there should be beds that are perfect.

For a bedroom that’s split into two zones, the layout becomes a little more tricky to get right. Although you want to create two areas, you also need to ensure that the two styles complement each other. For instance, clashing colours like lime green and orange. Before you start to think about the layout, take the time to get some inspiration. This will give you ideas and help you to work out what will and won’t work in the space.

Give each child their own space

Even young children need their own space, and it’s important that you find ways to give them it. A great tip that interior design experts swear by is using something to divide the room, such as a tall bookshelf or curtains. This gives each child their own space, as well as a sense of privacy. 

There are plenty of ways that you can give your child their own space; it’s just a case of being creative. Bookshelves, curtains, and wardrobes are all ideal for adding a little privacy.

Use accessories to add personality

In a joint room, the best way to add personality is with accessories. Aim to keep the walls fairly simple, and then use accessories to add a sense of personality and style. By keeping the walls plain, when it comes to updating the room in the future, it will just be a case of switching the accessories.

While each child’s area of the room can incorporate different colours and styles, just make sure to use pieces that work well together. The last thing that you want to do is design a bedroom that clashes. Be choosy about the colours and prints that you use, and you can create a beautiful joint space.

It isn't always easy to know how to go about designing a shared bedroom for your children. However, by taking note of the tips above, you can create a beautiful space that your kids will love.

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