My daughter loves horses. There are two in the field at the bottom of our street and she is often asking to go and see them. When I saw a horse show advertised near us I could not pass up the opportunity to take her. I told her this morning that we would be going to see some horses and I've never seen her get ready so quickly.
The show had been put on at the Royal Armouries in Leeds. The show was in an outdoor arena and so we were a little cold given the weather but just thankful it was dry. When the show started my daughter was so excited she kept asking for more horses. She followed the story line I could tell how involved she was getting with her gasps and laughs as the story unfolded. By the end although a little red nosed she was so happy and wanted to see them again.
The show provided the opportunity to meet the horses and team after the show and had it not been lunch time and some hungry tummies we would have gone. Overall a lovely show and we really enjoyable day out.
This day I love horses.
This day I love comments and I read everyone