My Baby show Highlights

I really enjoyed the baby show and there are some amazing companies who exhibit there.  I really wish I could have got round them all and for those I did get to see stay longer to chat more.  Unfortunately there just was not enough time for me as I only had 2 hours and could have done with at least double that.  I have included some of my highlights and companies I loved from the show in the post below, please check them out.

I had to stop by to see Snugglebundl, they made the first baby lifting blanket.  It is perfect for lifting babies especially after a C section.  I would go so far to say if you have had a C section than this product really should be a must have item.  I have followed this company since they started on Facebook and wanted to see the product first hand.  It is so much better than in its photos and I could not believe how soft it was and easy to use, my daughter loved it.


We went to say hello to three wonderful companies who I am in the process of writing reviews for at the moment, Vital Baby, Mabyland and My 1st Years.  It was great to final meet My 1st years and to see Vital Baby and Mabyland again.  They all have some amazing baby products and well worth taking a look at.

I tend to use washable nappies especially if we are staying at home but do occasionally use disposables.  Mainly when we are out or when my youngest has nappy rash, because then I can cover her in cream and not worry about the nappy.  I came across Nappies2go which I think is a really fantastic idea.  I would have loved to have spoke to them more but I had to catch a train.  They collect all your used nappies, wipes, cotton wool, sanitary products and breast pads and recycle them.  What a great idea, much better than landfill and they can even provide clean nappies and wipes too.

Staying on an environmental theme, I love Cheeky wipes.  We have used them for over 2 years now.  I have a set for doing the house work, I dyed these yellow.  A set for the girls bottoms and a set for hands and faces.  They are simply put washable wipes.  They smell fantastic thanks to the lovely oils you can use with them.  Easy to store and easy to clean and dry.  I am currently testing out their new Micro-fibre cloths and will post a review in the next few weeks.

The first time I went to the baby show I was 28 weeks pregnant with my eldest and my husband and I managed to not only pick up all our nursery furniture but we bought our travel system from there.  I had very strict criteria for what I wanted:

To fold small enough to fit in the boot of my car [at the time this was a new shape mini copper]
Group 0+ car seat compatible
Lie flat pushchair
Rear and forward facing seat
Easy to steer, can be turned in a circle with one hand
Light weight
Did not look plastic and cheap
Did not cost an absolute fortune
Easy to fold 
Shopping basket

When I saw Bebecar I was smitten.  It ticked every single box which I thought nothing every would.  What's better is the ip-op, which is the model I have, came with a carry cot that could also double up as a car seat.  I still use this travel system, and its sad that my youngest has outgrown not only the carry cot but the car seat.  My eldest still can fit in the pushchair so I know we have a good few years left.

When I went a stroller, instead of using my Bebecar I use my Cosatto.  Cosatto company motto is Baby stuff with Personality, and I think that describes the company perfectly.  I have never come across such fun, bright and well designed products.  What is more is there after care team are amazing and they offer a 4 year guarantee on their products.  

I had to say hello to Trunki and the Gro company as we own quite a lot of their products.  The girls both have a Trunki to represent their Chinese  new year animal, as well as the Trunki toy box which are such fun to play with.  I also should probably set up shares in the Gro Company as I would not be without my gro egg, gro clock or gro bags.

I have followed Cheeky Rascals for quite some time on facebook and ordered a few products from them so I wanted to go and say hello.  I also had to stop by and say hello to Happy Hopperz   We have two Happy hopperz at home and they are ever so much fun, for  both adults and children.  We also came across them over Christmas at Nostell Priory.

The baby show is great for discovering new companies and products too.  I really love a product called Twist from Chicco.  I maybe purchasing these shortly for the girls as I think they are fantastic. I came across some gorgeous shoes from dotty fish for my youngest, as she has outgrown her Bobux shoes.  They are lovely and soft great for little feet.

giraffe shoes

This stand really caught my attention and was one of the most colourful at the show

me & i

I had to buy my eldest a t-shirt from me&i because they are just so colourful and a little bit different.  It is really nice to see some unique, bright and colourful children's clothes.  Not wanting my youngest to feel left out, when I saw the wonderful all in one baby rompers from Dijjie I had to get her one

Dijjie boxbaby romper

That really is an all in one baby romper and it comes beautiful boxed up too.

There where lots of companies whose products caught my eye but four in particular stood out and I will be having a look at them on line in the next few days as I wish I would have had time to talk to them.  Cheeky Chompers make bibs but with an incorporated teething triangle and they looked really stylish.  Chillipeeps teats and Fill and squeeze look like two inventions/gadgets that could save me a lot of time and hassle and I do love my gadgets!  Finally the Bunkcot Company, I loved this idea the first time I went to the baby show and every time I go I want to go and talk to the company but they are always really busy.  I enter every competition to win one, but no luck yet.  I think its such an amazing item.

Whenever anyone asks me what are my must have items for babies I have two products always on my list.  One is Ewan the dream sheep, you can enter to win one here and the other is Yoomi.  Ewan is my little miracle sheep for helping my girls to sleep and without him I would be at a loss.  I absolutely love my gadgets and items that make my life easier and Yoomi does that.  


My eldest struggled to latch to any other bottle but her Yoomi.  A yoomi bottle self heats the milk to the same temperature as breast milk in one button push in 60 seconds.  It is an absolute dream for night feeds, and when out and about as there is no second guessing the temperature.  I found both my daughters could breast feed and switch to yoomi and back again without any issues.  Whats more is that because yoomi milk was the temperature they were used to, they took to formula much easier and I was a lot happier knowing that their milk was at the right temperature.

It really was a brilliant day out and it was ever so nice to meet the people I follow on line and talk to over the Internet.  It is always lovely to see those again who you consider friends and don't get to see as often as you like.  I love making new discovery's and cannot wait to read up more on the new companies I found.  The high light of the show for me, well it was seeing Professor Robert Winston 

Robert Winston

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  1. This is a great run down of the show. I'm desperate to go to the Birmingham show now!

  2. Were you there on Friday? I would have liked to see Professor Robert Winston but he wasn't there today :(


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