Project 365 : week 8

project 365 week 8

The week started off so nice and sunny that the girls and I spent most of the day playing in the garden.  Towards the end of the week the snow has returned although, touch wood, it is not yet settling.  My eldest loves playing games and red dog blue dog is one of her favourites. 

The week was a busy one for meeting up.  I met a friend from school, who I have not seen for 14 years. Our children are similar ages and it was lovely to watch them play.  We attended a blogs up north meet up in Manchester and met some very lovely blogging mummies. Friday saw the girls travel first class to London and both girls loved the train.  We had a fantastic time at the baby show.

The girls have also enjoyed lots of cuddles this week, I think all the travelling and excitement has tired them out.  They have had their cheeky moments too when they discovered turmeric and sprinkled it round the kitchen.

A fun and busy week, I think next week should be quieter!

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  1. Beautiful photos from the week, my girls love the train it's like a mini adventure for them

  2. looks like a lot of fun, look like a pair othat gets up to mischief

    1. They do and I can see team work starting to appear too

  3. Those first class seats look great. I love the one with the turmeric (sorry). Children really do know how to make a mess.

    1. They were very comfy, my floor is now stained orange

  4. that bottom left photo of your daughter - her eyes are so big and brown! wow just stunning. sounds like a busy week for socialising and travelling - hope you got some rest and feel less exhausted now x

    1. Thank you I think she has such big beautiful eyes. Was a very busy week

  5. Lovely photos. We have red dog, blue dog. Such a fun game.

  6. I love going First Class to London, it's the only way I can handle the train journey there now with my anxiety!

    Thanks for linking up.

    1. It was cheaper than standard so seems like an obvious choice


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