Falling asleep

Both girls are poorly at the moment.  They have high temperatures and runny noses.  Both generally unsettled.  This means I am awake pretty much 24/7 with one or both of them.  My eldest never naps during the day and has not done since she was around 6 months old, even prior to this she would cat nap.  I know when she is ill because she falls asleep in random places:

sleep whilst cleaning

sleep and lunch

She fell asleep standing up in a door way too but I had to move her because I did not want her to fall and hurt herself so did not take a photo.

This day I love falling asleep

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  1. Bless her! So sorry she's ill xxx

  2. I wish my children would nap more when they are poorly, but they always insist on carrying on bouncing about. Hope they get better soon x


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