an almost perfect day

A beautiful warm day meant that we spent all day outdoors.  I always struggle on warm days in what to dress the girls in.  My youngest is in her sisters old clothes which for the most part is fine, and luckily I managed to find her a light cotton dress.  Cotton I feel is always best when its hot.  My eldest wanted to wear her new dress, one we had been sent from Rocket Muffin to review.

beautiful organic cotton dress

Rocket Muffin has a clear philosophy of simple clean designs,  fabulous, quirky high quality organic fabrics, small quantities / limited production runs and to support emerging UK design talent.  All available in sizes 2  years up to 9 years.  It is perfect for my eldest as she suffers with Eczema and the heat aggravates the condition, with the dress made from 100% organic cotton, I know she is kept cool so her skin can breathe.  

I love the patterns of the dresses.  My daughters is a pale blue with beautiful flower print.  Not a typical 'girlie girl' myself I try to stay away from too much pink, but I still like my girls to be feminine, my eldest in particular is a lover of anything you would stereo-typically class as girlie.  Rocket Muffin really suits us as it allows my daughter to be who she is and I adore the patterns.

organic cotton dress in flow

The girls and I had our mid morning snack out on the grass.  We sat in our garden under the shade of our Oak tree and watched the birds fly over head.  We had to make sure Jasper did not come and steal our food, he did try a few times.

Sisters picnic in the sun

After snack it was time for playing and my eldest loved running around, with her dress flowing as she ran

running in the sun

and hopping needed to be done too

hopping in the sun

As the sun started to fill our garden more, we went off in search of my eldest Sunglasses.  My eldest had other ideas and decided she wanted to wear these

wearing large orange sun glasses

She does look rather cute in them, although not very practical as sunglasses.  We headed out in BOB for a training walk.  The Yorkshire 3 Peak challenge is 3 weeks away, you can sponsor me here.   My daughter soon wanted to get out and explore.  She looked lovely running around in the sunshine in her beautiful dress. 

running freeexplore the woods

My Mum had come with us and soon my eldest was playing with her Grandma in the beautiful sun shine.

flying high in the sunexploring with Grandma

All that running around did mean we had to have a sit down, which gave my eldest the opportunity to do some rolling around.  She looked so lovely playing and exploring.

Sitting in the sunspinning in the sun

lie down in the sunhaving lots of fun in the sun

When we got home we sat in our garden and had an ice lolly to cool off

cool down with ice lolly

Before playing again

playing in the sand

sitting on chair outsidesmell my shoe sister

It was almost a perfect day and would have been, if I had not had a big reaction to all the grass pollen and ended up covered in an allergic reaction rash!  

This day I love an almost perfect day.   

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