It is important to keep little ones entertained during the long summer months so here are a few helpful tips with what to do during this time.
Plant a garden - Getting your kids to eat a healthy diet may be a struggle for some family’s, one of the best ways to encourage your child to be healthy is by encouraging them to grow their own fruit and veg. If space is an issue then small greenhouse spaces can be purchased from various companies, and children can be encouraged throughout the summer months to water and care for the plants, it provides a great sense of achievement for children when the hard work they have put in pays off and they can pick their own fruit and vegetables.
Plant for fun
Children also love to eat sweet things, consider planting a crop of strawberry plants, a crop that will come back year on year if you plant in a sunny spot. If space is limited, planters will do just as well. Using planters will also stop some plants from spreading and give greater control over your garden. Planting seeds may be a fun way to teach your child the concept of photosynthesis, the BBC have a useful website to help children understand this concept.
Worlds apart for kids
A makeshift castle made up of bed sheets may be a fun way to break the day up, where the pirates are coming to take the treasure in this makeshift world. Another option for in-the-house fun could be ‘shops’, where that penny jar may provide a fantastic source of payment for toys. And of course if all else fails a healthy game of snap with a standard pack of playing cards may be appropriate to quell the boredom. Children enjoy delving into these different make-believe worlds so the castle or pirate options could be one to have them occupied for weeks and months, perfect in summer. This make believe land is a perfect way to re-decorate the bedroom without making any permanent changes, just for summer. Of course the summer months are also a perfect opportunity to re-decorate the bedroom as the warm sun allows changes to dry much faster.
Alternatively, if the summer one experiences is a particularly hot one then buy a play pool and water guns, perfect for those kind of summer days. Get a woodpile, encourage the wildlife to come to your garden, in which you and your child can identify the difference creatures, this can work with birds to, a bird feeder in the garden is a perfect time to encourage animals with mealworms and seeds.
This post has been written in collaboration with slap up media
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