Linked : the linky of linky

As my blog turns 2 this month I thought this was a good time to launch my first linky.  I have thought about this for some time.  I love linking up to linky, I like discovering new blogs and reading new things, the problem is I often forget where I have linked up and on what day of the week the linky runs.  To combat my forgetfulness and to help me remember where to link and when I have created a new linky, Linked.

Linked is quite simple really, add any linky or post/photo that is part of a linky.  Linked will open every Thursday and close on Wednesday at midnight, it is a weekly linky of linky.  If you are currently thinking to yourself but my linky opens on a Monday so I will be far down the list, this linky works in reverse order, so the newest addition to the linky is in the no 1 spot.  This means the additions towards the bottom of the list are older and potentially linky that opened earlier in the week.

This day I love - Linked

So add your linky below.  Any linky that is added I will tweet a link to and comment on, and if I can I will join up.  Some linky I cannot take part in but if I can add a post to it I will do.  Any linky which displays the Linked badge, I will add the badge of that linky to my blog hop/linky/blog love page.  If you find a linky feel free to add it, you do not have to add your own.  If you simply have a post you want to share that is already in a linky then feel free to add that and I will comment on.

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  1. What a great idea! I've linked up the three photo Linkies I run - #whatsthestory, #alphabetphoto and #bwphotoproject. Do remind me about this, I'm working long hours at the moment so memory like a sieve elsewhere! Hope you're good xx

  2. Lovely idea, thank you I've linked up Country Kids

  3. great idea, I'm always losing linkys :) I've linked up Kids in the Kitchen and put on your badge so I can come back every week x


This day I love comments and I read everyone