Linked : Linky week 2

First I would like to apologies, normally Linked would start on Thursday but due to Blogger deciding not to work yesterday it has meant I am running a day late.  Secondly I would like to thank everyone who joined in last week.

If you are new to Linked you can read all about it here.  Linked is the Linky of Linky.  If you run a Linky or know of any good linky or blog hop please link them up here.  The list runs in a reverse order so the newest linky added is in the number 1 spot.  This means adding a Linky which starts on a Tuesday on the Tuesday it starts would put you in front of a Linky added the day before.  

I will comment on any Linky added and will tweet all linked up.  If  I can link up a post to your linky I shall do too.

This day I love - Linked

Look forward to seeing all your Linky and thanks for joining in

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  1. Thanks for hosting - my linky closes on a Thursday, but if anyone would like to link up again, it will be open next Tuesday morning :)

  2. This is a great idea for a linky, thank you for hosting! :-)

  3. great idea, so I'm going to put this badge in my sidebar for a month to try and get it seen. x


This day I love comments and I read everyone