Superheroes are for Girls

You may remember my post recently announcing that we are Lottie Ambassadors.  This was a campaign I was keen to get behind as Lottie is the first doll that is age appropriate.  Both my girls, aged 2 and 4, love Lottie.  She is just the right size for my two year old and both girls enjoy playing with her.

The UK toymaker which make Lottie, Arklu, is pleased to introduce a NEW superhero outfit for Lottie.  The 'Super Lottie' outfit was designed by six year old Lily, from Ohio, USA.  She created the winning design as part of a global competition which was independently judged by Brave girls Alliance.  This super hero set marks the first time that a crowd sourced design by a child has gone into commercial production.

Today marks the annual event 'International day of the girl'.  Super Lottie's abilities are 

‘Super Lottie has the power to be anything, to do anything, and to make the world a better place. She is unique and special in her own way’.

Which also stands true to the Lottie message 'Be Bold, Be brave, Be you'

Super Lottie is to inspire children to be who they want to be and girls will be Superheroes too.

Both girls love the new superhero outfit and have flown super Lottie around the house several times.  The Super Lottie outfit is a great addition to the range and one we have lots of fun with.

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  1. I really like the look of these dolls and what a great idea to have a superhero outfit too! Thanks for linking up to #Playtime


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