The mouse and the Gruffalo

We headed off down into the deep dark woods [Lightwater valley to you and me] in search of the creature with the orange eyes and turned out toes.  We looked all over and then we saw him sitting on a bench, waving.

The youngest wasn't too sure and just wanted a drink

My eldest decided that she wanted to be a Gruffalo and we headed in search of face paining

The Gruffalo and Mouse were now ready for an adventure.

They followed the clues and found all the letters, hidden all over the park.  They made masks and coloured in in the Gruffalo marquee.  The Gruffalo even went on some rides

The mouse wasn't as keen

The mouse was more excited about watching the live story telling of the Gruffalo

After all the excitement it was time to head home, but not without little Gruffalo giving big Gruffalo a high five 

Gruffalo and Mouse sat very patiently waiting for the train home, well it wasn't too long to wait

The busy day could only lead to one thing, sleepy mouse and a sleepy Gruffalo

This Day I love the mouse and the Gruffalo

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  1. Looks like they had a brilliant day, especially if the sleepy photos are anything to go by! I wish they Gruffalo trails had been around when we were in the UK :) #CountryKids

  2. Looks like a great day out, the girls look like their having loads of fun. I bet the opportunity to meet the Gruffalo for real was a great excitement, even if it was just a little scary. Thanks for linking up with Country Kids.

  3. I think the last photo summed it all. Its fun and when kids have so much fun they get tired and sleepy! Thanks for sharing. I will show this to my son later as he is in love with Grufallo =) #countrykids

  4. Looks like an amazing day.
    That Gruffalo painted face is brilliant!


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