A bike ride and cake baking

Now my eldest is at school I rarely get time with her on a one to one basis.  I really miss spending time with her on her own.  I decided that during the school holidays I would make time to spend some time together and with her sister in nursery we had the day just the two of us.  

After dropping her sister at nursery I asked her what she wanted to do and said she could do anything.  She replied 'Ride my bike, feed the ducks and have a Yorkshire pudding for lunch'.  Sounded like a good plan to me so we headed out to feed the ducks and ride our bikes.

I was full of pride watching my eldest ride her bike, the path is shingle based so the wheels kept slipping .  This did not deter her and she put all her effort into riding.  I saw the smile on her face and realised how proud she was.  

Eldest riding her bike

The bike ride helped to build up an appetite for lunch and of course I kept my promise of a Yorkshire pudding.  We still had some time before picking my youngest up from nursery so I asked my eldest if there was anything else she wanted to do, 'Bake a cake please Mummy'.  

This gave us the perfect opportunity to try out the Annabel Karmel cooking toys from Casdon.  The range offers full working cooking utensils to encourage children to cook and adopt a healthy life style.  Annabel Karmel also includes a recipe book full of ideas and it is here we got the recipe for the cake.

Annabel Karmel baking set

My eldest was incredibly happy with her baking equipment, looking and feeling just like the real thing.  The Ultimate bakers set was just phenomenal and I actually think my daughter now owns more decorating equipment than me.

Casdon baking essentials

She could not wait to get started and we followed the very easy recipe for chocolate cupcakes, although we ended up making a cake inside.

Baking cakes

My daughter stirred, and mixed and loved that the baking equipment was hers for making cakes with Mummy.  

The cake was lovingly decorated by my eldest and then promptly eaten before I could get my camera to take a photo!

I had a really fantastic day with my eldest and loved spending time with her

This day I love a bike ride and cake baking

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  1. What a perfect day. I am planning to spend a day with me and my eldest one day next month, hopefully!


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