The clear out

by - 20:57

Having redesigned our master bedroom and having new wardrobes fitted gave me the perfect excuse to have a clear out. To have a look through those items that I no longer wear and those that no longer fit me. A recent survey shows that on average every UK female only wears 70% of their wardrobe.

I was looking forward to the challenge and clearing out some of the things I haven't worn in ages. The main problem I had was trying to work out if I would fit into some items after thing 3 arrives. Whilst hoping I can return to a similar pre pregnancy size it is an unknown at the moment and this made things harder.

It wasn't long before I got into it though and became a little ruthless. I actually found the whole thing therapeutic. Soon though I had finished my wardrobe and began to look for another challenge. I started on the attic. The clothes we put up there for winter/summer soon got a good sort out, as did my maternity clothes.

The girls saw me tidying and wanted to help so we began looking at their wardrobe. We have so far filled 3 of the de clutter bags (each weigh 5kg) but there is still one more wardrobe to go, my husbands! I can see many more been filled with items of clothing as we look through his.

Thanks to Bedroom Storage Maker provider of wardrobe storage systems for providing the de clutter bags!

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