Taste adventure

In their search for bloggers Mark Warner have asked the question 'What makes the perfect holiday?'  I wrote the following post to answer the question from my point of view, but what do the rest of my family think make the perfect holiday?

Today is the turn of my husband to answer.  He replied 'the farm we visited in Italy'

During a trip to Italy we had arranged a visit to a traditional Mozzarella farm.  The farm sat edged into a mountain side, accessible by a dirt footpath.  We ambled carefully down the twisty dirt path, which was lined with bright yellow lemon trees, until we arrived at the farm gate.  Greeted by Maria and the farm cat, we were shown inside to the cheese room.

Maria described how they still make Mozzarella using traditional methods and gave us a live demonstration.  The farm also grew olives, lemons and limes and Maria showed us the process of making olive oil.  We then moved on to my husbands favourite part, tasting!

We were all given a plate of produce grown and produced on the farm, Mozzarella, salami, tomato, olives, olive oil and bread.  To drink was limoncello for adults and lemon juice for children or non drinkers.  To say you could taste the sunshine in the olives would be an understatement.  I don't think we have ever tasted anything so fresh before.  Needless to say the girls emptied their plates.

Italian food

We left the farm with jugs of olive oil as gifts and freshly baked lemon cake for the journey home.

As a family we enjoy trying the local cuisine and will often venture off the beaten track to source more local produce.  This is the aspect of our holidays that my husband likes best, discovering new tastes and eating fresh.  You could say he is a bit of a serious foodie!

This is our entry into the serious foodie category.

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