new words

My youngest has been babbling for some time now.  I have a lovely video of her singing at a few weeks old and at 3 months she would sing away to the national anthem with the Olympics.  Which was rather sweet and amusing.  Today we constructed our first attempts at words rather than the g, d, b, p sounds we got 'ba ba' which she looks at me and says.  I am hoping this will develop into ma ma soon, fingers crossed be a great Christmas present for me!

My eldest also came up with a new word today.  As we put up the rest of the Christmas decorations she was passing me items from the Christmas box and suddenly got very excited.  I looked at her and she was putting the Christmas stockings on her feet.  With the words 'Look Mummy, new Christmas shoes!' It was so sweet and she was so proud of herself.  

the girls

This day I love new words.

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  1. What a sweet post. I love hearing my daughter say new words!

    Stopping by from the Weekend Blog Walk. :-)

    Stef @ Miss Jo and Co.

    1. Thank you, she got a da but not a dada today. We also think she tried to call the dog by his name too its rather sweet

  2. Lovely :), I always enjoy reading about your little ones x

  3. Aww this is lovely,

    Following via the Blog hop, hope you follow me back! :)


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