Shoes, shapes and snow

Both Girls appeared to be much better today.  Such a relief after the past few weeks.  I am hoping that this is the end of it for a while, fingers crossed.  My youngest daughter this morning worked out she could open my wardrobe door and my eldest who, to this day, had never looked inside my wardrobe before were both fascinated.

opening the wardrobe

Needless to say they tried on all the shoes in there

trying on shoes

After the fun of trying on all the shoes they could find, we did some painting using various materials to print different shapes.

painting spotspainting with tubes

My daughter enjoyed the different patterns and shapes the materials made, so to continue the theme we went out into the snow.  She was fascinated by her footprints

footprints in snow

She spent ages drawing in the snow and exploring the texture and feel of the cold snow.  J was just as excited following her around

girl and Jdrawing in snow

shapes in snowJ in snow

testing snowcob web and snow

This day I love Shoes, Shapes and snow.

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  1. ahh what lovely photos looks a fun day!

  2. AWWWW so lovely :) *Kisses*
    It's always awesome to sneak into your mum's closet. That wardrobe contains the best things in the whole world!!!

    Aree With Umbrella

    1. They could not believe their luck at what they had found was great watching them play

  3. Ahh you can see the fascination with all the shoes...and the love is starting so young, perfect! :) Love the pics!

    1. Yes she has a love for shoes, going to cost me a fortune!

  4. Glad your girls are better. As for trying shoes on and being interested in Mum's wardrobe, this is only the beginning... ;)

  5. Looks like the perfect way to spend a snowy day to me!


  6. Lots of mini adventures! The pic of her squatting made me giggle... has she been watching you work out hehe? x

    1. I know I dont know why she started doing it but it made me laugh too

  7. we looked at footprints too - we must have some giant pigeons!

  8. This day I love your daughter's coat! It looks brilliant against the snow. What beautiful picutres.

  9. Beautiful photos and what an adventure!

  10. My little one LOVES the footprint thing too. She's 3 :)


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