Project 365 : Week 3

Week 3 saw me catch the girls cold, so 3 full of cold on week 3! At one point in the week I lost the ability to use my eyes, which made for rather a painful and scary time, thankfully though the girls seem better and I feel as if I am coming back to normality.  A week of snow fun, both indoor and out and a week of my youngest trying to escape from everything.

Week 3 project 365

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  1. Lovely photos, glad you are all on the mend now. The photo of your little one trying to escape from the bath is so sweet.

    1. Thank you, im not sure why this week but everything you put her in she wants to escape from

  2. hope your all fully better by next week, lovely photos :)

  3. The eyes thing sounds a bit scary, hope you're ok now. The fun in the snow looks lovely though, your little girl looks fascinated :)

    1. It was very scary and really painful. She was really fascinated by it

  4. I love the bath shot and that first one in the snow is lovely. I hope you're feeling better now.

  5. Glad you're feeling a bit better. I had a horrendous cold over new year and it took a couple of weeks to fully get over it.

  6. looks like you had a fun week! :-)

  7. I'm so glad you mentioned the eyes thing, one twin had a high temp on Friday and Saturday night said she couldn't see anything - downright scary but thankfully it cleared up and now she's left with a cough.
    The photo of LO playing with the snow is gorgeous

    1. Yeah I have a cough now? Strange must be a bug going round. My right eye still hurts every now and again but nothing like they did.

  8. Oh no you have had a rough couple of weeks. Lovely photos though, the main photo is gorgeous. I hope you have a bug free week this week

    1. I am hoping so too, want to get back to normal now

  9. Great pictures, unfortunately the snow and cold weather seems to bring a lot of colds and illness, but glad you're on the way out now.Looks like you still made time for fun in the snow! Love the bath pic too!

    1. Always trying to make some outdoor time think fresh air does them good.

  10. Lovely photos, especially the one of the baby touching the snow.
    Hope you're all feeling better.

  11. not a good week then, hope you all feel better now. love the cheeky face peering over the side of the bath

    1. Thanks, was not the best week but things seem to be getting better

  12. Those little fingers digging into the snow - a great shot and some freezing fingers no doubt. Hope you are on the mend

    1. First time she had felt snow, I had to let her feel it

  13. I can almost sense her excitement through her little hand as she feels that snow for the first time, beautiful photograph as well on bottom right. You're girls have such stunning eyes that they really speak to the viewer! Hope your eyes are ok, how frightening!

    Thanks for linking up

    1. Thank you. She was really confused by the snow, but it was the first time she had ever seen and touched it. Eyes much better now thank you was very scary at the time


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