Spaghetti Hoops

The girls and I have had a rather busy day, as we were invited to attend a Focus group with MaByLand and Vital Baby.  The girls were well behaved throughout and I was very proud of them.  The group was lively with lots of discussion and a chance to look at a new range of products.  It was a good afternoon and great to be out of the house.

On our way home in the car the views became more like winter with frost in the trees and on the grass, it was very beautiful.  If I was not driving at the time I would have taken some pictures.  My eldest was really excited and kept asking if we were on our way to Santa house.

We got home a little late and the girls wanted dinner quick, so I did them Spaghetti Hoops.  Both girls really enjoy them as its a rare thing that they have them.  I was feeding my youngest the entire time but at some point she managed to do this

Hoop in hair

Yes that is a Spaghetti hoop in her hair.  I have no idea how she did it, though it was rather funny.  My eldest was laughing at her which is who she is smiling at in the picture.

This day I love Spaghetti hoops.

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  1. looks like she had a good time with that spaghetti. lol. Im now following you back!

  2. thats a great picture! bless them :-)


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