Review : Ewan the dream sheep

Back in 2010 when I was pregnant with my eldest daughter I met a lovely company at the baby show in Birmingham.  Back then I knew them as Easi Dream, but today Sweet Dreamers.  They produce a wonderful must have for all parents, Ewan the dream sheep.

Ewan is, to put it simply, a miracle for us.  My children are not the best of sleepers but Ewan really helps and makes a huge difference.  Ewan is a cuddly sheep, a very cute character, with four soothing sounds from his feet.  Each one of his feet plays a different sound.  The sounds are a combination of real womb noises and pink noise.  Pink noise is proven to be more effective than white noise at settling babies.

ewan light

Ewan has a Velcro tail to fasten him to cot bars, car seats or any other surface you may wish to, he can also be placed outside a Moses basket or a cot.  My youngest has her Ewan fastened to the cot bars.  There are two particularly great features for Ewan.  One is the soft pink glow.  This is to act as a comfort to new babies to replicate the soft glow they would have had in the womb.  The second is that the soothing sounds last for 20 minutes.  Which is perfect for my girls as it usually takes around that long for them to fall asleep.


Inside Ewan is the option to make the sounds loud or quiet, light on or off and demo or play mode.  Ewan is more than soothing sounds, he is a great comforting soft toy to older children, he acts as a night light and for me he is a little miracle, I will explain why.

My youngest has always liked to be held, never wanting to sleep in a cot or a crib or any where other than on my chest.  Ewan keeps her calm.  I can lay her in her cot and she will lie and watch Ewans glow and listen to his soothing sounds, occasionally she will fall asleep to him.  With no Ewan she will not entertain the idea of lying in her cot.  If she wakes in the night and I put Ewan on, if she is just needing comfort she falls back asleep but if she is hungry or needs something then she will sit up.  Its a great indicator to me of her needs, so less guess work.  Its not that I don't want to comfort my youngest but when two girls wake at the same time in the night its nice to know what they require and that comfort can be provided for her.

see ewan

Ewan was the same for my eldest too.  She absolutely loves her Ewan and to this day she will ask for him in particular when she is poorly, she is 2 years old.  What is nice though is that both girls prefer a different sound, my eldest loves the harp noise and my youngest the rain sound.  He has even helped me get to sleep!  I would not be without Ewan, I have only had to change the batteries once in all this time, but keep a supply just in case.  Ewan is a real must have for any baby, child or adult.

[fsid guidelines suggest soft toys are NOT placed in a child's cot until they are at least one year old.  It is therefore not recommended for Ewan to be placed in the cot before your child is one, as always however this is down to each parents discretion] 

I am very lucky to have an Ewan to give away, if you would like to be in with a chance of winning Ewan please follow the instructions on the Raffle copter below, and Good Luck.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. I love Ewan!!! Esme has him on every single time she naps or goes to sleep.

  2. would love to win this perfect for the little ones

  3. I would love to win this, I am going to be a dad to a little girl this week or next so winning this for her would be great x

  4. What a special little sleep aid, will help chrildren so much, its a wonderful idea, it would be amazing if I won, xxx good luck everyone

  5. Awww I reckon Harry would love him!

  6. I could really do with a sleep aid and he sounds cute as well as practical.

    Added bonus I'm subscribed by e-mail too

  7. fAB Giveaway be ideal for my monster who won't sleep!!

  8. i love my ewan!!! but the music button has broken which is what my son goes to sleep to, keeping everything crossed for this :))))))

  9. Hi Leyla,
    Cheers for post, that was really nice. It seems to me that this little sleeping aid has been useful to many families.


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