if you're happy and you know it

I am the first to admit that my singing voice is beyond terrible and I really dislike singing in public.  When it comes to the girls though I don't mind so much as they don't judge me and they have no idea actually how bad I am.  We sing a lot of songs at home, mainly the action ones like if you're happy and you know it.  Up until today I never really thought about how much my youngest was taking in.

Me: ' If you're happy and you know it clap your hands'

Both girls clap and youngest smiles at me, I think its a one off but am smiling at her as its the first time she has ever clapped.  Both girls stop

Me: ' If you're happy and you know it clap your hands'

Both girls clap again, I am beginning to think she understands the song.  Both girls stop clapping.

Me: ' If you're happy and you know it and you really want to show it, if you're happy and you know it clap your hands''

Both girls clap and youngest smiles at me.  We all clap and shout hooray and youngest giggles.

I love how happy she was at clapping and how she clapped in the right places.  I was so proud of her for not only clapping for the first time but also knowing when to do it.  Since then she absolutely loves this new skill she has learnt so has spent the rest of the day clapping at things such as, when she ate all her dinner, and when she got ready for bed.  I just love that she has learnt something new and is proud of herself.

I can clap

This day I love if you're happy and you know it.

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  1. Singing is now olbligatory in our house - about 20 hours a day as a minimum. My son would jump into your lap if you sang If you're happy and you know it :)

    1. Singing is in ours too! Wheels on the bus is my eldest fav at the moment


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