ready, steady, go!

 Overnight we seemed to have had a fair amount of snow.  This meant a lot of fun this morning.  We went out to hang out the bird feed we made yesterday and then set about playing in the snow.  My eldest wanted to throw snow, first for the dog

throwing snow with the dog

Then making snowballs to throw at me

throw snowball
make snowball

then trying to get snow on the roof

up there

Before shouting at me Ready steady go and throwing it over the sides

over the side

She really loved playing with the snow

looking throughgather more snow

lots of snow

The one thing she really wanted to do was go down the slide


on the slide


down the slide


bottom of slide

This day I love Ready, Steady, Go!

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  1. Adorable! I love the ready, steady (instead of set) go!!!

    xx kelly

  2. Aw love the slide photos, she looks so happy!

  3. Love that she didn't let the snow stop her.

  4. I love the photo of her coming down the slide - determined to get down even with all the snow!

  5. What brilliant photos! I hate playing out in the snow. I force myself to do it for my son's sake but I'd really like to hide indoors. You are one fun mum!


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