the bee hat

At Baby sign classes my eldest daughter has watched every week whilst the other boys and girls take turns to wear the bee hat.  Usually 2 wear it every week and she has always wanted to , although she is too shy to ask.  Today it was her turn and she was ever so happy that she got to wear the bee hat

youngest in bee hatbee hat

Of course she put it on her sister too!

I love that such simple things can bring a smile to her face

This day I love the bee hat

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  1. Oh, how precious! I love the story of the bee hat....those sorts of things are so special to children! And she even shared- my favorite part! :)

    I found you on Let's Get Social Sunday (thanks for co-hosting!). I am now following your blog via Google reader, and I have Liked you on Facebook (Yesterfood and personal account, Joy McElroy).

    Have a wonderful Sunday!

    Joy @ Yesterfood

    1. Thank you, it is rare they share but its so great when they do. I will follow you back


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