my first shoes

My youngest is growing in confidence in her ability to walk.  She so far has done 8 unaided steps across the room.  She spends the majority of her time on her feet now, walking around furniture or unaided between bits of furniture and seems to prefer it to crawling.  As a result when we go out she is wanting to walk more and more too so  she needed some shoes.

I took her to get measured today and she was fascinated by the machine

measuring feet

she took her time selecting the shoes she liked

which one

I was slightly disappointed with the colour choices.  As you can see in this picture  pretty much every shade of pink with a few purple and white but not much else.  I wanted her to have a nice pair that would go with the majority of her clothes and would have liked more choice.  I am also looking for a nice 'smart' pair of shoes for both girls in a navy as we have a wedding to go to, but had no luck.

After she had picked her shoes we had them fitted

new shoesfitting my shoes

My youngest loved her new shoes and decided that she wanted to walk the rest of the time whilst holding my hand.  I love that she can now be part of our fun outside with her new shoes

This day I love my first shoes

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  1. I remember when my 8 year old started walking......aww man time goes by so fast, the memories I wish I had video taped it


  2. Oh my goodness what a coincidence, we bought my daughter her first shoes today as well. Isn't it lovely? :)

  3. Awww I can't wait for this moment. Won't be long now as Dexter loves being on his feet x


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