TalkTalk HomeSafe and Safer Internet Day.

Safer Internet Day took place today and it is aiming to create a better internet together.  As a parent I do often wonder about how safe the internet really is.  Its one of the reasons I try to keep details about my children private.  I wonder what the internet will be like as they grow up.  The internet has changed so much in such a short space of time, but one thing has always remained the same, you can be anyone on-line.

The internet lends itself to 'pretending to be' someone or something you are not.  Whilst its a great way to keep in touch with friends and family, and an amazing resource to discover information it also can be a cruel and scary place as we have seen all to often recently in the media.  As people hide behind the computer/tablet/smart phone screen and become anything they want, some it provides a way to gain confidence, a no fear approach, which can lead to some very hurtful experiences.

Whilst these external influences I can only do so much to control.  I can talk to my girls and encourage them to talk to me.  Whilst also encouraging them to be open with me and build trust.  I can do more to protect other internet security.

As a TalkTalk customer I can activate HomeSafe.  Homesafe once activated, allows me as a parent to control the websites, that any device connected to the network can access.  All I need to do to switch on is to log into my TalkTalk account.  Its free to use and a great way to be given piece of mind about the types of sites that are accessed.

TalkTalk also currently have a quiz developed with 1000 7-14 year olds, to see how your internet knowledge stacks up and discover your internet age.  Well I took the quiz and lets just say I am going to keep the result to myself! 

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