The Rainbow Run

I am really looking forward to tomorrow.  The girls, their Grandma and I are all taking part in the Rainbow run.  The Rainbow run is a 5K run at a local Park to raise money for Barnsley Hospital Charity.  What makes this extra special is on the run we will be running through clouds of paint.  The paint will be in vibrant colours and the idea is that we will be running through the rainbow.

I am going to be taking our dog [who is white] and I am guessing by the end he will be multi coloured.  The paint is pet and child friendly.  I think this is going to be so much fun and the girls are going to love it.  Should you wish to sponsor us it would be very much appreciated.  

I am hoping to tweet and instagram some pictures as we go, so please keep an eye out on my twitter feed for those.  I am really looking forward to tomorrow, I cannot wait to see the girls faces as we run through the rainbow!

Happy YoungestHappy eldest

This day I love the Rainbow Run

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  1. What a wonderful thing to do and it looks like the weather will be with you too


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