At Britmums Live this year I met with the lovely team at Spatone. They were holding free Iron testing and discussing about how to keep up energy levels. Spatone is a natural liquid iron supplement and is a gentle way to help top up iron levels to help reduce fatigue. This was something we all needed after a busy two days at Britmums live.
I think at times we all need a little energy boost. Especially on those days when you have been up all night with the children and then they wake you up early the next morning. I survive on most days with around 5 hours of sleep and people then say to me 'You must drink a lot of coffee', The thing is is I am actually allergic to caffeine, so I don't drink tea or coffee. I also don't drink energy drinks, which leads people to wonder how I keep my energy levels up on a daily basis.
Other than I have a sweet tooth and cannot resist cake and sweets I have two ways to boost my energy. The first is to get outside. There is something about fresh air that gives me a boost and a lift. I love to walk on the grass barefoot and feel the sun on my skin. I equally like to feel the cold, it makes me feel alive. This simple feeling gives me a boost, a mental kick. I can just take 5 minutes in the fresh air and I feel a lot more refreshed.
Another way I keep up my energy levels is watching my kids. I know they say laughter is infectious but sometimes I think the energy my kids give off is too. I watch them run around and play and I suddenly have a boost too. I love playing games with the girls and I think at times they give me the energy boost that I need to keep going.
What are your tips to boost energy?
This day I love comments and I read everyone