Family summer fun tips

With the summer holidays now well and truly under way, along comes the 'I'm bored'.  I have put together some of my favourite things to do, along with some inspiration from others which hopefully will give you some ideas for family summer fun

1. Go for a lovely walk and explore

2. Play in the corn fields and fly high in the sky

3. Take time to relax

4. Take time to discover the smaller things

5. Head out to the local park and have fun

6. Take the opportunity to get the soft toys clean and dry

7. Feed the ducks

8. Ride a donkey

9. Have your face painted

10. Take time to dry off after a bath

11. Go pond dipping

12. Go on a nature walk

13. Bounce as high as you can

14. Outdoor painting

15. Paint with cars

16. Attend birthday parties

17. Go for a swim

18. Go to a festival

19. Go out for ice cream

20. Do something for charity

21. Paint with objects in the grass

22. Have fun with chalk

23. Play crazy golf

24. Run through the fountains

25. Go strawberry picking

26. Climb trees, rocks and everything else you can find

27. Take the dog for a walk

28. Have a water fight

29. Have fun on an air pillow 

30. Get lost in a maze

31. Play with sand

32. Retro toys and space hopper fun

33. Go to the beach

34. Go on a boat ride

35. Visit a local garden centre and learn about the flowers

36. Visit an airfield and watch the planes taking off and landing

37. Collect sticks on a walk

38. Take time to dress up

39. Be a pirate for a day

40. Make a daisy chain

41. Tell the time with dandelion clocks

42. Do a spot of gardening

and if you are still stuck for ideas why not have a look at my pinterest board, which features some great ideas including bubble wrap feet painting!

“This post is an entry for 42 Days of Summer Linky Challenge sponsored by McVitie’s BN. Learn more at”   McVite's BN biscuits have accompanied us on many of our family adventures this summer.  A great tasting snack that is perfect for a summer treat.

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