Going hot to get Frozen
My eldest daughter loves Frozen. I think she is no different to most children up and down the country with her love for Frozen. As I mentioned in her 4th Birthday party post she wanted a Frozen Party. I thought it would be quite nice if we could make a few items for her birthday that had a Frozen theme but also could be used again later.
I decided to first turn to my trusty glue gun and see what I could create. The glue gun I have is light weight and easy to use and because it has a stand built in, it means I can simply put it down [although not on its side] when I do not need it. Glue guns are a great craft tool and I have even created a Pinterest board of ideas to provide some inspiration.
I have discovered that if you place glue from the glue gun onto Baking paper, when the glue has dried you can peel it off to create a flexible shape. I still had a tiny bit of clear glue left, but added a coloured glue stick in next. I began to write the word 'Frozen' onto my baking paper and was rather pleased with the result.
My next task was to make some snowflakes. Following the same idea I drew a simple snowflake shape on to the baking paper with the glue gun
Whilst it was still wet I sprinkled with glitter
Then once it had dried I shook away the glitter before peeling off the snowflake.
I could have used a glitter glue stick, which would have created the glitter glue, but I already had clear in the glue gun so decided to do it this way.
What is great is these shapes can be played with by the girls to create their own Frozen scenes, or even used as Christmas decorations.
I then thought it would be a great idea to make some snow globes. My eldest dressed as Rapunzel helped.
To make snow globes you need:
- Figure for the inside or stickers for the outside
- water
-glue gun
- jar
We have a few spare Kinder egg /Cake topper Princess figures and my eldest picked one of these to be her figure inside the snow globe. [There are several available on eBay]. We glued the figure to the inside of our jar lid using our glue gun and left to dry.
Whilst she was drying we put water into the jar and stirred in a teaspoon of Glycerin. The glycerin allows the glitter to swirl in the water and float down slowly, the more you add the slower the swirl. Without it the glitter tends to clump and not swirl as well. We then add a generous amount of glitter before screwing the lid back on the jar.
With Belle securely inside I placed glue from the glue gun around the jar lid to seal the jar and also added some decoration.
My eldest also wanted a Frozen snow globe. So we attempted to make a snowman from Sugru [we used Sugru as it can with stand water and varying temperatures].
We followed the same process as before, and my daughter loved stirring the glitter and glycerin into the snow globe.
Overall I think she was pretty pleased with what we created

I really love how we could create some unique Frozen themed things for her party using a glue gun and a few other items. I have already come up with some ideas for Halloween decorations using the glue gun and hopefully will blog about those too.
If you don't have a glue gun, but like doing crafts then I would recommend getting one.
I was provided with a glue gun and glue for the purpose of review. All words and opinions are my own.
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