Me and my dog

by - 22:57

Regular readers and followers of my Instagram feed will know how much the dogs mean to me. 6 years ago my parents got a dog. Up until this point I had been scared of them. My Dad had asked me to go and collect him and fetch him back to their house. I remember the journey on the cold and wet December night and this tiny little puppy who was very badly car sick. I took him to my house cleaned him up and put him in an open box with lots of towels.

A few months later I made the same journey to collect J. He travelled home in a banana box, which I still have. J was very quiet and simply wanted to sit in his bed. After a few days he soon came out of his shell and began to interact and play with us. He was relatively easy to toilet train and enjoyed nothing more than chasing balls and digging!  J love for balls has gotten him into a few scrapes, thankfully we have a great vets and great pet insurance company who took care of everything.

J worked out I was pregnant with both girls before anyone else did, including myself. He used to sit on my lap and curl into my tummy but when I was pregnant he stopped doing this, as if he knew. He always knows when I'm upset and comes and gives me a friendly head nudge. J is one of the best listeners I know and he has never told a secret. He is my best friend and without him I'd be lost.

It became apparent though that J needed some dog company. Whilst he loves his own space he seemed to crave the attention that only another dog could give. Deciding upon a rescue dog we travelled a 6 hour round trip twice to rescue a spotty dog from the RSPCA. our little spotty dog has made herself firmly known.

She's very different to J. As mad as they come and loves to hide under things. Her favourite spot is under the chair and J simply looks at her baffled as to how she got there. She is now 6 months old and we are struggling to toilet train her. Everything else she is perfect in every way. Has a wonderful temperament and gets on great with the girls, who adore her.

My youngest in particular is really attached to both J and spotty dog. She seems to have a particularly close bond with both of them, I think she might be Dr Doolittle. Our dogs are certainly part of the family and without them I think we would all be lost.

I was sent a hamper from Petplan in exchange for a post about my dogs.

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