Escaping reality

After the disastrous past few days I needed to make it up to my daughters.  My youngest had been so well behaved through everything, even sitting patiently in the car whilst I went to collect the missing pieces.  I wanted to do something for her, so  I took her to an indoor soft play.

I put away my phone, except to take some photos, and spent 2 hours just playing with her.  Chasing her round and listening to her giggle.

down the slideover the bridgethrough the hole

She loved having my complete attention and it was so much fun to play with her.  Her favourite was to run and hide and then sneak up on me.

peek a boo

I loved watching her.  She was just so happy.  

on the way down
 For the few hours we were there I forgot all about the problems from the past few days, I think we shall have to return.

This day I love escaping reality. 

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