Mess Free Painting

It was cold and wet outside, my youngest didn't want to go out to play and so we spent the day playing inside.  She did however want to paint.  I love painting with the girls but on this particular occasion had to be out the door in 45 minutes to pick my eldest up from school.  I decided therefore to opt for mess free paining.

Mess free paining is lots of fun, and as the name suggests clear up is minimal.  

Mess free painting requires zip lock bags and paint.  Simply pour paint into zip lock bag and seal.  I have learnt that less paint works better.  I decided to hang the bags onto the patio door as the light shone through the bags creating a nice effect but you could leave the bags on the table.

mess free painting

By using your finger you can create patterns, shapes and even letters.  My youngest had a lot of fun drawing patterns.  It was also a great opportunity to practise our colours.  She loved mess free painting
mess free painting heart

This day I love mess free painting 

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  1. Such a great idea, really got to give this a try.


  2. wow, thanks, I love mess free and have just bought new paints for the kids but dreading the mess they are going to make with them. I have some clear plastic pockets which I can use, I will just tape the sides up, genius!

  3. We did the activity and loved it, blogged it and I hope you don't mind but I credited back to you in my post,

  4. what a great idea even the adults can do it thanks for sharing visiting from wake up wednesday have a great day


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