Marvellous March and a green weekend

March seems to be a rather marvellous month.  The weather finally is beginning to change and there is a real sense that the warm weather will be here soon.  The warmer weather brings with it the need to be outside more and a desire to de clutter and spring clean.  The first day of spring is fast upon us, and with it we see the clocks go forward an hour.

As the weather begins to become warmer and we begin the move outdoors, so to speak, we begin noticing areas of improvement that could be made outdoors.  If you are anything like me, you will have big plans for your garden but on a limited budget.  

I really want to make the garden more usable through the night as well as the day, by introducing more solar lights.  I have plans to alter the layout of the garden as we have so much dead space, and add more seating areas in.  As well as this I want to create a nature area and a messy area for the girls.

I have plans this weekend to visit the Danish furniture retail group JYSK as they have prices of up to 50% off all its cool and comfortable garden furniture.  I have had a look at some of the items on offer at Green weekend  and love these solar lights for £3.99 and the furniture for £159.  Having visited the store previously I know how good quality everything is and so am keen to get the garden started.

garden furniture solar lights

We were also very recently sent a beautiful bird feeder from Find me a gift.  I would never have thought to look at Find me a gift for bird feeders and other outdoors items, but they have a huge and beautiful range.  I am going to be purchasing the hedgehog house and squirrel head feeder to add to our nature area in the garden.

Wren bird house

Our wren bird house came fully assembled and so was ready to hang in the garden straight away.  It is made from wood and to fill with seeds you simply life the roof.  It makes a welcome change from traditional feeders and adds a beautiful dimension to our nature area in the garden.  Everyone who has seen it loves it.

The outside living space is beginning to take shape nicely.

Inside the house I have been very busy tidying and listing items on eBay.  I listed 26 today, and am having a true spring clean.  The sunny weather has finally arrived, meaning I can now hang my washing out to dry and I have actually seen the bottom of the washing basket.  I am incredibly grateful for our dishwasher, as it means I do not have to spend ages washing up and can get on with playing with the girls or when they are not here tidying up.

We are hoping to have both the garden finished and the house tidied for my daughters birthday in May.  After her birthday we will then be picking a date to build a den for the charity Save the Children.  We will be tweeting our den to #denday between  29th May and 6th June as these are the dates to unleash imaginations and build the ultimate den.

With Mother's Day, St. Patrick's day, World Down Syndrome awareness day, sleep safer week, Pi day, first day of Spring and a change in clocks.  Not to mention a solar eclipse, it is no wonder March is marvellous. 

The links in this post are sponsored, either from payment or in exchange for product.  

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