Comical Ultrasound Picture Takes Internet by Storm

Nothing is more exciting as a soon-to-be parent than that first twenty week ultrasound. The excitement begins to build the moment the appointment is scheduled. It is typically the first clear view of your budding baby and the first opportunity to discover the gender, if you wish to do so. What could be better than seeing your little one for the first time? 

Scan photo

Baby Schofield decided to give his soon-to-be parents more than just a gender reveal in his ultrasound picture. Paul Schofield, 31, and Cheryl Stevenson, 32, arrived at Saint Mary’s Hospital in Manchester, England for their customary twenty week checkup. During the checkup, an ultrasound had been scheduled to check on the progress of their baby’s development. The comprehensive scan takes measurements, checks fluid levels, and bone growth on the developing baby inside the mother’s womb. Schofield said that the midwife at Saint Mary’s was extremely thorough, getting a range of 360 degree images. Towards the end of the scan, the midwife asked the couple if they wanted to know the sex of the baby. 

Once the couple agreed to a gender reveal, the active baby moved into a balled position, placing his face downwards and away from the ultrasound and preventing the midwife from getting a good quality picture.  “We were gutted,” stated Schofield. Despite efforts to obtain a good shot of Baby Schofield, the midwife was unable to and stated that she would have to wrap up the ultrasound. At that very moment, the unborn baby thrust his hand out and gave his eager parents a clear thumbs-up. According to Schofield’s accounts, they all burst into a fit of laughter. 

The midwife informed the happy couple that she had never seen such a straightforward and clear gesture from an unborn baby during an ultrasound before. Several members of the nursing staff made the same confession when they were shown the unbelievable ultrasound photograph. The joyful parents took the thumbs-up as an indication that their growing baby must be having fun in there. Schofield claimed, “That it was a unique experience… that brought a great deal of happiness to our day.” 

While Baby Schofield is currently taking the internet by storm with his candid affirmation, he is hardly the first baby to be caught on camera having a blast in the womb. Leighton Hargreaves and Amy Cregg enjoyed a snapshot of their son, Leo, presenting a blatant smile during their 4D ultrasound. John and Charlotte Steel were lucky enough to catch a glimpse of their unborn child rocking back and forth, laughing, during their twenty week ultrasound. Babies across the world have been giving parents a sneak peek into their personalities with the aid of ultrasound technology for over twenty years now. 

Thanks to the popularity of social media, the happy parents can now easily share that sneak peek with the world. 

baby yawn scan

This post was written for This Day I Love by Glenn Josephik. Glenn is an account representative and the marketing coordinator at MedCorp LLC, the industry leader and premier business source for used portable ultrasound systems. You can follow Glenn Josephik on Google+.

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