Linked Week 30

Welcome to week 30 of Linked and thank you to all those who joined in last week.

I would like to once again say a big thank you to Sim from Sims life for looking after Linked whilst I was on my holiday.  Having returned from holiday to find out your assignment is due that week was a bit of a shock and needless to say many hours spent to get in finished.

I am now back and feeling refreshed and ready for Linked week 30!

For those new to Linked, Linked is a weekly directory of Linky.  Come and add your Linky below or any Linky or blog hop you know about.  I will comment on all that are added and share on my twitter page.  It would be great if you could add my badge, so that more people know about Linked creating a more in depth directory.  As always if I can join in with the Linky I will.  You do not need to write a new post or do anything extra, just link up your linky!

This day I love - Linked

Linked also works in a reverse order, this means the latest to be added is first in the list.  If your Linky ends just as Linked starts feel free to add both your previous and current Linky to the list.  If you have a monthly Linky feel free to add it every week.

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  1. Thanks for hosting a link up, I just found you. So now I am going to have a look around. I always love to find new great blogs. Thanks.


This day I love comments and I read everyone