Review : Fisher-Price Rainbow Dazzle Minnie

My youngest daughter simply adores Minnie Mouse.  I would call it a slight obsession.  Whilst shopping for Halloween costumes my eldest chose a witch and my youngest wanted Minnie Mouse, this is how much she loves Minnie Mouse.

During my search for Christmas presents for her I came across the Fisher-Price Rainbow Dazzle Minnie.  I was keen to take a closer look to see what my daughter would think.  The Fisher-Price Rainbow Dazzle Minnie is suitable from 2 years plus and comes with a camera that when you look through adds a rainbow effect to Minnie.

Minnie sings 'True colours' and has three special points on her clothes that when touched changes the colours of the clothes.  This allows you to create your own outfits for Minnie.  Minnie also says the colours along with phrases to make her really interactive. 

I like that the Rainbow Dazzle Minnie comes supplied with batteries as this means you can play with her straight out of the box, and there is also no assembly required which is another great feature.  I have had to tell my youngest that the Minnie Mouse toy has had to go back to Father Christmas who is really happy that she has helped him test some of the toys for Christmas.  I cannot wait to see her face on Christmas day

 Fisher Price kindly sent us Rainbow Dazzle Minnie in exchange for this post. All words are my own opinion 

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