2015 - a look back

2015 has been a very challenging year for lots of reasons.  It started off great, had a rubbish middle and seems to be ending well.  We have had wonderful holidays as a family, visited some amazing places on day trips and created some beautiful memories for the girls.

Looking back through my photos and posts of 2015 there seem to be many involving mud and muddy puddles.  I have loved looking back through all my running accomplishments with running every distance up to and including a marathon, whilst pregnant.  I am looking forward to putting on my running shoes again in 2016. 

The biggest surprise of 2015 has been Thing 3.  I feel really lucky to be pregnant for a third time and hope that 2016 brings a healthy baby.  I am excited to find out if Thing 3 is a boy or girl, and also to discover how big they are going to be.  I wonder if the predictions will be correct?

I have decided not to set a resolution but instead make a few changes.  I hope 2016 brings us the safe arrival of Thing 3, and that we continue to make as many memories as a family as 2015 did.

I am wanting to use Instagram more as I love capturing the thing I love from each day on there and it has been great looking back through my photos.  According to Instagram these are my most popular photos from 2015.

Wishing everyone a Happy 2016!

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