My little reindeer

My youngest daughter had her first nativity today, she was a reindeer.  She told me this morning that she could not eat her breakfast because it was not reindeer food.  It would appear that she was getting into character.  We galloped to school, because that is how a reindeer gets to school and I then went home and waited to walk back in time for her nativity.

I was not sure what to expect as she had never done anything like this before, but she sat proud at the front of the stage smiling for all the cameras.  She seemed to be loving every moment.  This wasn't a traditional nativity but a Christmas sing along and all the children seemed to really enjoy themselves.  
I was really proud of her, she sang all the songs and knew all the actions.  She stood up to sing when it was her turn and just seemed really happy and comfortable with everything.  I did wonder though were my little toddler had gone, she looked so grown up on the stage.

This day I love my little reindeer

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  1. Aww! Bless her! It sounds like she had the best time. She is absolutely adorable x


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