Magical fairy tale learning
This months topic at my youngest daughters school is fairy tales. She comes home full of questions about the three little pigs, can the wolf climb down our chimney? Why is our house built of bricks? Followed with questions about little red riding hood. I love to support their learning at home and try where I can to follow the topics that they are doing at school.
Our January Parragon book buddy book fitted in perfectly with my daughter school topic. The giant book of fairy tales contains the stories she knows and is curious about along with a few others she has not yet read. Each story is beautifully illustrated and as the story is told there are quizzes and puzzles to accompany them.
There are a great variety of puzzles to suit a range of ages from drawing and colouring to more complex copy the picture and spot the difference. Some of the puzzles we adapt for my youngest and others we simply talk over. The puzzles aid with the understanding of the stories and help to reinforce different ideas within the fairy tales themselves.
You can choose to read the story as a whole or simply pick up and do an activity as you see fit. The giant book of fairy tales has been great to aid my youngest learning but has also been a great way to keep her occupied and busy after school.
The book was sent as part of our partnership with Parragon books, all words are my own opinion.
This day I love comments and I read everyone