16 weeks, ducks and the tooth fairy
What an eventful day today has been. Little man is 16 weeks old today and to celebrate he has spent most of it sucking his thumb. When he has not been sucking his thumb he has been grabbing every object he can find and putting it in his mouth. He seems to really love this new found skill and takes huge pride in his new ability. He also loves to sit in his chair and watch the world go past, just taking everything in.
Little man was also weighed today and is now 5.5Kg or 12lb2. He has started to put weight back on and so much so that we can now go for weighing every 4 weeks instead of every other week.
After school today was the Summer Fayre. Luckily whilst there were grey skies the rain stayed away and we enjoyed looking round each of the stalls. The girls tried their luck with some of the games and cam away winners on the hook a duck.
The luck on the Summer fayre seemed to continue as my eldest had been worried her tooth would fall out and she would loose it. It would appear that a bite of a hot dog at the school fayre and her tooth came out! My little girl has lost her first tooth and she is ever so excited!
I can remember every one of her teeth coming through, they caused her so many problems and so much pain. The one she has just lost made its appearance on Mother's Day in 2011. Whilst most children would be excited at the prospect of the tooth fairy, she has asked if she can keep her first tooth and has left a note to the tooth fairy to say sorry.
This day I love 16 weeks, ducks and the tooth fairy.
This day I love comments and I read everyone