A new announcment

Last year we were very honoured to work with Huggies as a Pull-ups ambassador and we are pleased to announce that this year we are once again working with Huggies but in a new role.  This year we are taking the next step and working with DryNites.

We are very proud to work with DryNites as whilst Bedwetting is a perfectly normal part of growing up, it affects more than 900,000 children and young people in the UK, it is not often spoken about.  DryNites pyjama pants are super absorbent and they have a real underwear like fit, making them perfect for growing children.  They also have new age appropriate Disney© and Marvel graphics, so children feel more grown up.

We never had an night time accidents with my eldest.  She potty trained within 3 days and at the same time became dry at night.  My youngest daughter however is a little different and we are excited to go on this journey with DryNites and discover some tricks and tips that might help us.


My youngest daughter is 4 years old and at this age 1 in 4 children still have night time accidents, my daughter is one of them.  We try not to make a big deal when it does happen and it is not every night but I can tell it bothers her.  I want to give her a new found confidence that she can be dry every night.  We are hoping that by sharing our journey with you on this blog and over on YouTube that we can help dispel some of the bedwetting myths and that your little one will grow in confidence along with my youngest!

Visit www.drynites.co.uk to find out more about the ConfidentNites® Guide for helpful advice on bedwetting from DryNites®

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