A revolution in running

Now Little Man has turned 6 months he is able to join with us in one of our main loves, running.  My eldest loves to run and asks to come with me every weekend, my youngest enjoys it but I think her little legs get tired quicker so she is happier covering shorter distances.

I have already covered in detail the BOB revolution Pro in this post the only thing I have changed is to remove the carry cot, as Little Man is now big enough to sit up and needs the seat unit.  The fold and feel of the BOB is still the same, only now I use it for running.

The girls and Little Man accompanied me to the 5km parkrun course one Saturday morning to put BOB through ultimate paces, running with three children.

Running with the BOB was really easy as it is easy to manoeuvre.  The wrist strap is comfortable to wear and the brake on the handlebar is really convenient for hills!

Although I may look like I am pushing BOB, it never felt like I was pushing more as if it was gliding along with me.  The only time I really noticed was when my youngest grabbed hold as I had her weight pulling me back.

I love that we can all be together and get out running as a family.  The BOB revolution really is a dream to push and perfect for tackling any terrain.  

Thanks to my friend Tim Hobbs for taking these photos and allowing me to use them.  Thanks to Britax for sending BOB revolution pro in exchange for this review, all words are my own opinion. 

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