Pledge to be Real
I have never felt comfortable in my own skin, there is not one part of me that I like but I have grown to accept this. I have grown to accept that I will never be comfortable with my body or its shape. My house has very few mirrors in it, mainly because I do not want to look at myself and I live in jeans and baggy tops because they are comfortable and hide all my flaws.
Having daughters I want to help them to be comfortable in their own skin. I want them to know that we are all different, we are all different sizes and that is what makes us special. My eldest daughter was recently the victim of bullying because of her eczema, we call it her special skin, but she stood up to them and said she was happy to be different and she liked her special skin. I am proud of her, and it makes me happy that she is comfortable with who she is.
Advertisements portray a very different image, they portray a fake picture of what a real women is like. I do not want my daughters growing up thinking this is what they have to look like, I want them to value true beauty. In the same way I do not want my son to grow up thinking this is normal and this is what real women look like.
Be Real Body Image Pledge started today and is a campaign calling for organisations to promote the responsible portrayal of body image in advertising, media, fashion and music. It is a campaign I support and one which Dove supports, I do not want my girls feeling the way I do or my son for that matter.
Join Dove and show support for the Pledge by sharing the hashtag #PledgeToBeReal on social media. To find out more and how you can get involved, go to
Will you join with Dove, and myself and #pledgetobereal ?
I created this post as a competition entry in support of Dove and the Be Real Body Image Pledge. I have not received any financial compensation for this post.
This day I love comments and I read everyone