Spencer's Dash
Spencer's dash is another series of races local to me. I decided to sign up for the series, as to be honest if you run them all it works out cheaper and you also get a t-shirt. I wasn't 100% sure what to expect, but I vaguely knew the route.
Starting on a downhill followed by a very long up hill, a sharp downhill, slight trail and a steep uphill to finish. I had it all planned in my head and mapped out, only for whatever reason I decided to not stick to my plan.
I set off far too fast, it was a confused start as everyone just randomly it seemed started to run and I was at the front. I kind of got swept away with the field and managed to keep pace for the first mile and half, that is half way up the first hill. My legs then said no and I felt sick. I lost it and those demons start talking to you to stop. I had no energy and began to see spots, but I struggled up that hill.
Here I was met with the smell of fish and chips. Normally I quite like this smell, but it made me feel horribly sick. My body shaking and I was trying very hard to not be sick. The downhill came next.
I was looking forward to this, a chance to recover and a chance to enjoy my favourite part of running. Only I had no energy left. I couldn't even run down the hill with enjoyment and that is my favourite part. This just zapped me, I got angry and I was frustrated with the amount of people going past me. All the will in the world my legs just did not want to move.
I wasn't expecting another hill, and it was here my body went no more. I walked, gave in, simply frustrated. I was cross. I hadn't stuck to what I set out to do and pushed it far to much.
What goes up comes down and so I started with a slow jog on the next downhill to ease back into the final stretch home. All up hill!
I put in the last amount of energy I had to get up that final hill, and before I knew it I had crossed the finish line. It was much closer than I expected it to be, and in some ways I was disappointed with this and felt I should have finished much stronger.
As it was I finished, lesson learnt. I will do the next one, but I must remember not to get swept away and to stick to the plan!
This day I love comments and I read everyone