Baby's first 12 months

Little man is fast approaching 18 months old, the time has gone past in the blink of an eye.  It was this time 2 years ago that I found out I was pregnant.  In 2 weeks is the Leeds 10km race and it was the morning of this race I discovered I was pregnant with Little Man.  

Having had two children previously I was fully aware of all the items baby needs.  I was also aware I had not kept anything from the girls and so we would be starting again from scratch.  The following infographic highlights some of the costs associated with baby's first year.

Infographic put together with the help of St Albans childrens nursery

We used a combination of reusable and disposable nappies, and whilst the girls were breast fed little man was bottle fed.  The costs were no where near as high for bottle feeding, and breast feeding doesn't include costs for nipple cream and pads.  With breast feeding you also need to have clothes which are breast feeding friendly, both for the day and night, and also nursing bras. 

Many of the items for Little Man we bought second hand, with the exception of things like car seats and mattress.  His cot for example we found for £10.  There are therefore many ways in which some of these costs can be reduced.  I do find it interesting though to see the costs laid out in front like that.  I wonder what the next 12 months will be?

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