September running update
September, the month that could probably best be described as club sandwiches and runs with good friends. It was a relatively low mileage month for me with 169km or 105 miles covered, not too bad but could have been better. The month started with a final long run before the crazy back to back marathons. A nice steady chatty taper run in some beautiful sunshine.
In addition to my 12 in 12 challenge, where I am trying to complete 12 ultra/marathons in a year I am also taking part in a 100 runs of 10km distance or more in a year challenge with my running friend pictured below. We had a beautiful run at the Shepley 10km where I may have managed to convince him to take part in an ultra! I do hope so, they are amazing fun.
Club runs are starting to get darker now and that means more road running and less off road. A shame as I do enjoy the off road and trail, it also means I am going to have to locate my head torch and high vis gear!
Berlin marathon was the priority this month and you can read all about it here. Completing it meant I collected my second star, only 4 more to go! Berlin was such an amazing experience and one I will never forget, its made even better when you get to spend it with friends! I think if you can run a marathon or an ultra with someone and still be friends at the end of it it shows a good friendship.
Not content with 1 marathon I decided to run another the following Sunday, oh and I threw a 6 mile club run in between too. It perhaps goes without saying this marathon was a lot harder but I did it and took my total for the year up to 7, 5 more to go for the challenge.
My eldest daughter had her trial and then joined a local athletics club. September has spent many nights stood at the side of the track watching her train, but I could not be more proud of her. She has been doing amazing.
My final race in September was one called the Stairway to heaven and it is just beautiful. I have never done a race with such negative splits before. It might have been partly down to the up hill start or the fact I kept stopping to take photos because it was so beautiful!
I had started September 1st as Run director at my local parkrun and ended on September 30th as a marshall at junior parkrun. I think that is a pretty perfect September.
October is bringing about it's own challenges. I have a 10km race which I am slowly wishing I hadn't signed up for, but I know I will enjoy it once I am there. A marathon which I am really looking forward to, even if I am nervous for this one. I need to run some more 10km or greater distances to try and finish the 100 challenge off and am tempted to sign up to one of the runs in the Alder Hey Running Hub and Run for Charity. There is also a lot of helpful tips and advice for all distances, so it is worth having a look.
In addition to this I have also set myself a challenge to complete 100km in October and have signed up to a Run Your Own Races virtual run. They donate £1 to the running charity for every run and also send discount codes out for running kit. The medals look pretty cool too and I am hoping to share mine with you once I complete the challenge.
This day I love comments and I read everyone