Silverstone Lap of Lights [Gifted trip
We were gifted free entry to Lap of Lights, I have not been asked to write about our visit. All words are my own opinion.
I was incredibly excited to receive an email inviting my children and I to Silverstone and the lap of lights. It has been a dream of mine for many years to visit Silverstone and more so to drive on the track. The Friday before our visit we had very heavy snow and I was getting nervous we might not be able to make it. Luckily the snow held long enough, but it did take us an extra 2 hours to arrive.
After our lap of lights we headed to the lodge to explore more of the indoor activities and to have some dinner.
After several hours at Silverstone it was time to brave the snow and head back home. We had had an amazing evening, the kids all tired from the various activities and I was buzzing from the experience of driving at Silverstone.
For my details please visit Silverstone
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